Customer Testimonials

Below you will find a few customer testimonials. If you have shopped at Augustus & Carolina in the past and would like to share your experience with out, please fill out the form here »

“Terrific store, a lot of variety. Everything you could want to furnish and accessorize your home and the staff is knowledgeable and welcoming!” – Cindi Caron

“My favorite furniture store. They are not the same old tired stuff you see everywhere. Everyone there is very helpful and friendly. I will be back.” – Jacqui Haynes

“We wandered into a great furniture store called Augustus & Carolina on Saturday. It was 5:57 and they closed at 6:00. Even thought they were obviously tired from a long day, they welcomed us and allowed us to browse. The owners, David & Kathryn were absolutely wonderful and have a great store that we would love to have in Asheville!” – Peter Krull

“This beautiful store is a gem located in the quaint waterfront city of Georgetown, SC! I absolutely love enjoying their gorgeous mixture of furniture and decor.” – Kristina McManus

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Outdoor: 843. 545. 5445
Indoor: 843. 545. 9000
Tuesday - Saturday: 10a - 5p

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