5 Design Hacks for Renters

Many people believe that if they rent a home, their ability to decorate is automatically limited. While this may be true in some cases, for others it may not be. Sure, your landlord might not approve of you removing a wall, but they may let you change some light fixtures or paint the walls depending on how long you plan on living there. There are many tips and tricks to make your rental your own, so here are a few of ours!

  1. Ask for Permission

Many renters assume their landlord will just say no to any modifications but that’s not always the case! If you never ask, the answer is always no!

  1. Fill Your Walls with Art

This may sound self-explanatory, but by adding little pieces in unlikely places, you can make your home feel more put together. Try adding some art in your bathroom or closet to make it feel fuller.

  1. Removable Wallpaper & Decals

You can transform the look of an entire room with removable wallpaper or a wall decal. This is great for when you aren’t allowed to paint or change any of the fixtures, but still want to shift focus to something on the wall.

  1. When It’s Dark, Go Light

This rule applies when your rental space doesn’t allow for a lot of natural light. It’s best to stick to lighter colored décor when it comes to decorating a dark room, like a basement.

  1. Downsizing is GOOD

When renting a room or an apartment, it can sometimes feel cramped. Getting rid of extra things you don’t need anymore or swapping out storage options to conserve space is the best way to make your space feel larger than it is.

See, it is possible to turn a rental space into something your proud of! You don’t have to wait until you own a home to break out your décor ideas! We hope these tips help you create a cozy, comfortable space that you enjoy spending time in no matter if it’s rented or owned!

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